Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shopping Day For Preps

Made an appreciable dent in my preps today...Bought the following...

1 galvanized garbage can
1 6 gal water container
1 LED wind-up camp light
1 Doz pint canning jars
a mandoline
fruit leather sheets for the food dryer
brown sugar
plastic bags (2 sizes)
AA & AAA batteries

I'm at the point where I have "some" of most things on my prep starting in April I am going to concentrate on one specific item each month...canned goods..meds..grains..dried fruit etc...I think that will be a good way to increase my stores in decending order of importance.

Spent most of this morning going through my favorites list and weeding out the old and unnecessary...Went from 3 scrolled pages to computer has been having some problems lately...hope getting rid of so much "stuff" will help...already seems to be running better.

Am invited to my daughters for a barbeque SIL requested I make a lemon meringue pie (his favorite) nice to have all the fixin's right in my pantry.

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